Sometimes, it’s a little hard to express oneself to others. They only see your actions, and you’re lucky if they hear what you say. Unfortunately, people often fail to get past the surface. It’s made even harder when you put up walls; which most of us do. I’m not talking about the walls on your house, or the wall Trump wants to build. No. I’m referring to the more invisible kind. Admit it or not, we all have them. Know it or not, they are everywhere.
These walls are not made of bricks or wood. Instead, they are made of fear, and insecurity. Some people build more walls than others. The obvious ones are labeled as timid or even distant. Those who try to hide them are often called fakers, or liars. You can’t see usually these walls, but they cover up the person hiding inside. Sadly, if your peers put walls up, you can’t know how awesome they truly are, and if you put them up, people will only paint you to be what is on the surface.
You’re probably wondering why everyone hides behind their walls. Clearly, something or someone caused them to close up. Perhaps, they were judged too harshly, so they try to avoid more criticism. Maybe, they are afraid that nobody will like who they actually are. We should all know how that feels, yet we don’t know how to overcome these invisible blockades. It’s seemingly impossible to fully get through the walls, and most are just too uncomfortable to take down their own. It can feel just as scary as public speaking, or dreaming about going to school in your underwear.
What if people shared the things they hide behind those walls. Wouldn’t it be so nice to open up? Even if you’re made fun of, it shows a lot of courage to try conquering them. Maybe, you don’t think you can, but it’s worth a shot because people are missing out on your inner quirkiness.
Besides, I’m not sure you know what people see when you put walls up. It turns out that they can create a really distorted image. I recently learned that I come across as extremely serious, and that most people think I’m super weird. While those are traits that I show on the surface, there is more behind the walls I’ve unintentionally put up. Behind them is a dreamer that fears failure above all else, and I’m pretty critical of myself. Behind my many walls is an inquisitive person that always hungers to learn. I’m really just super curious all the time, and I can be a total monkey. Behind my many walls you will find a slight anime nut, and someone who likes words, and stories. I’m a spacey person, and I get myself engrossed in the things I love to do.
There is so much more to me, and I’m sure there is so much more to all of you. The "more" has probably just been hidden. Opening up might be miles outside of your comfort zone, but it can be done.
☀**It would be so amazing if you were to take down just a few of those walls, and let your personality shine through.**☀
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