Monday, June 26, 2017

Opening Post

Hello Readers!

        Welcome to The Dailey Weekly. This blog will largely be around exploring food for thought topics, and perhaps a comic for when the thought food gets too deep (Think of it as a breath mint after a heavy meal). Sometimes, it is nice to think, "Huh... I never pondered that before." Topics will range widely, but could include philosophy, how people behave, or even how some silly technology changed the world. Warning! This blog may keep you up thinking about amusing, compelling, interesting, and even strange subjects. In the end, The Dailey Weekly hopes to continually output intriguing content for your enjoyment.
        The Dailey Weekly is named after myself because my name is a handy pun, and it went together I think. Naming things is not my strong suit, but I know my name is a good one. I was named after a courageous women, so in a way this blog is named after her too. My mother always told me how clever, and adventurous Beatrice Elizabeth Dailey was. She lived to be 99 years old, and died in 1999 when I was born. As I've grown up, my mother has told me how she flew biplanes like Amelia Earhart ✈, and how she rode roller coasters 🎢 until she was 80! She even lived through the Great Depression, and both world wars. Of course, what my mom admired wasn't just what she did, but she loved who Beatrice Elizabeth Dailey was as an individual. Grandma B, as she was called, was full of wit. She was sharp as a tack until the very end; which made her great at holding intelligent conversation.  If anyone could teach a person things that made them say, "Geez... I never knew that..." it was her. This women inspired my mom, and her life should feel inspiring to so many others. All of my life, I have wished to live up to that name, and so shall this blog.
        The first article will be out soon, so be sure to check the site from time to time! 😃👍

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